Academic Projects rnrnWe have 100s of innovative projects in the field of in Android, IOT, Embedded, JAVA, Power Electronics, Mechanical, If you have any innovative ideas also please come with your idea our technical team will do it for you.rnrnGRID R & D having 18 years of experience. Our team leads will be helping you to complete the project in time using professional programing techniques. rnrnIf you are having basic skills in any technology and are looking for hands on project experience in the following technologies JAVA / J2EE ANDROID IOT rnEMBEDDED SYSTEMS rnMECHINE LEARNING rnDATA ANALYTICS PHP/MYSQL rnMECHANICAL rn rnAfter successful completion of the project you can expect higher salary package compare to fresher package.very reasonable price Placement Opportunities till getting job