Holding Hands People Management Pvt Ltd is a People Consultancy organization based at Lucknow that offers services in the field of HR and Education mainly to UP and NCR region. Holding Hands was founded by Abhishek Singh as a Sole Proprietor in 2015 and later joined hands with Harshad Shukla to transform it into a Pvt Ltd company in Feb, 2017. This organization, as the name suggests, has been setup to partner and support organizations and individuals in their growth, through the solutions we off
... more Holding Hands People Management Pvt Ltd is a People Consultancy organization based at Lucknow that offers services in the field of HR and Education mainly to UP and NCR region. Holding Hands was founded by Abhishek Singh as a Sole Proprietor in 2015 and later joined hands with Harshad Shukla to transform it into a Pvt Ltd company in Feb, 2017. This organization, as the name suggests, has been setup to partner and support organizations and individuals in their growth, through the solutions we offer, with a visible sense of ownership and care.
- Career Development : Then came recession and IT companies had a major impact. During recession Ajay sustained his position while Sumit was shown the doors as he didn’t progress much in 5 years and was amongst average performers.
- Professional Skills Development : Skill Development is assuming ever important role with the increasing challenges for both the organizations and the individuals for a sustainable growth. People being the major differentiator amongst companies in competition also gives a need to keep them trained and developed.