GLAN MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY PRIVATE LIMITED is a full-fledged recruitment & staffing organization working since 2008. We are interested in taking up recruitment projects for PAN India and would be interested in providing necessary talent.
We have a dedicated and committed team of Professional Recruitment consultants who understand your recruiting needs and the company culture. We are leading manpower placement company in the field of providing high quality recruitment services to fulfill th
... more GLAN MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY PRIVATE LIMITED is a full-fledged recruitment & staffing organization working since 2008. We are interested in taking up recruitment projects for PAN India and would be interested in providing necessary talent.
We have a dedicated and committed team of Professional Recruitment consultants who understand your recruiting needs and the company culture. We are leading manpower placement company in the field of providing high quality recruitment services to fulfill the needs of the business community with industry knowledge and expertise.
- Resume Writing Service : Bring current trends, resources, and real world experience into each project. With over 5 years of specialised experience in recruiting, we offer insight view of corporates for various leading organizations. Has recruited executives and professionals of world class organizations. MBA’s, Directors, Vice Presidents, and middle management. Interviewed thousands - yes, thousands of candidates as an HR leader, recruiter, hiring manager. Renowned as Career Architect with covetable service offerings. The databank of Glan management Resumes is much more than what anyone can expect. We hold very strong credential of serving the maximum number of clients as compared to anyone in the Resume Writing industry.
- Website Development : Surprisingly, many upcoming and small businesses don’t have a website or doesn’t understand the importance of a website in building their business. Not to forget, today’s century is a E-century, where, before purchasing a product or using a service, people go online and do in-depth research of the products or services and companies related to them. In establishing credibility, if you do not have a website, you are missing out on great opportunities to make your business grow.
- Mobile App Design Services : "With advancement of time and technology, people these days can access internet through mobile phones. Checking mails, sending MMS, social media interaction and so on, which were only possible through the computers, are now possible through phones. People get access to various websites as they have access to the internet and thousands of million people prefer mobile phones to do shopping, downloading music, movies and so on as they are handy compared to desktops. Hence, creating a mobile application can certainly increase traffic and visitors to grow your business.
- Digital Marketing : Glan Management Consultancy offer a suite of powerful Digital marketing services that help you create, implement and deliver digital media content.