Tips To Prepare For Your Job Interview

tips for Job Interviewers

Going for a Job Interview is always a charged affair, which is not immune to stress. Since you need to put your best before the potential employer, you need to be careful about what will click to them. Here are some quick tips for Job Interviewers, whether you are a fresher giving your first interview or an experienced employee looking for a change.

Change Job and Give fresher Interview


It does not matter for which position you have applied, what matters is that you should come off as someone who is to be taken seriously. The professionalism of the candidate is reflected foremost by the dress that he or she wears to the interview. Although a common inclination is towards formal business attire, basically you should be very comfortable in your clothes.

Avoid wearing something new that you may not be comfortable in.


While speaking your tone and your words should reflect your inner confidence. Always appear grounded as by doing this you can give the impression of being someone who is not over-confident about his skills and believes in teamwork.

Mention the contribution of your family, teachers, peers, colleagues, superiors as well as subordinates, wherever necessary to show that what you are, is because of their efforts.

Be On Time:

The interviewer gets an idea about the Time management skills of an employee within the first few minutes of the meeting itself. It is very beneficial to reach the interview venue before it starts because it means that you will be among the first to be interviewed, saving you a lot of tension. But most importantly, it conveys to the interviewer that you have a regard for others' time as well as yours.

Try to reach the venue 15 minutes early and use your spare time for observation and preparation. Also, be patient till your name is called out.


Having a good memory always helps during an interview as you should be able to collect and collate your thoughts before presenting them. But equally important for you is to remember the information that you receive from the interviewer. It could be their name, some special facts about the company, and other information, that will later help in building a rapport.

Try to remember and greet the employer the next time they call regarding the interview.


Always conduct proper research regarding the company for which you are being interviewed. It may be a matter of five minutes or five days, but it helps to show your keenness to join the company. Try to understand the vision of the company and associate it with your career goals.

  • Get information from the internet, friends, or family, and be prepared to present this information properly.
  • You should not appear as though you have crammed information for the sake of it.


If you have no idea about a particular question, don't be hassled. Try to see it as a learning experience and convey the same to the interviewer rather than giving a wrong answer.

  • Do not use new words as they may hamper your language. Be your original self.
  • Give clear and concise answers with details wherever required.
  • Though you are selling yourself for the position, do not appear to be very desperate for the job.
  • Talking about the ex-employer in a negative light is a big no-no; try to mention limited growth opportunities in place of their shortcomings as an employer.

Salary Negotiation:

Always conduct proper research on the industry standards for your position; while taking into account your special skills. Do not quote solely based on your last salary or what you desire. Try to justify the quoted figure and negotiate with an open perspective.

Closing an interview successfully:

Have a proper line-up of questions that you will need to ask about the company like:

  • What will be the responsibilities?
  • Does the company have any special policies?
  • What about the current projects that the company is engaged in?

This is another factor, which shows your enthusiasm regarding the position and the company itself.

Last but not least; remember to maintain a positive and pleasant attitude throughout the interview, after all, it is just a discussion of your prospects versus your credibility for the company. Find out about the next step of their hiring process and thank the interviewer/s for their time.



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