When an individual applies for a job, it is obvious that he/she wants to stand out from the other applicants. Though the facial expressions do not reveal it but, deep inside, every candidate wants to be the name that occupies the vacant post he/she has applied for. They also want the hiring manager to know the same.
But how- It is the sole question that lurks in the head and the candidates keep on hunting the answers. What is the right way that guarantees success in making you a stand out personality among the same? Here’s a short compilation of the secrets revealed for being a different candidate from others.a
Get Noticed!
Even before you meet the hiring manager in person, you can get noticed. Since sizable recruiters are on the SNS like LinkedIn, the chances of getting in touch with them are higher as compared to the other candidates that haven’t sent them any emails regarding an interview. Moreover, creating a portfolio that highlights your work and past job-experiences, if any, skills that highlight the position you have applied for can rope you in for an interview soon. Also, upload a decent resume and apply the right keywords to make the process of the job search smooth.
Dress Gracefully
Yes! donning a graceful attire matters as well. Though the first person you meet may not be the hiring manager, his/her impression of you does matter. Many recruiters seek a report from their dress attendants about the candidate’s demeanor. For example, if you are fond of roaming in the denim, quit them for a day and wear comfortable formal attire. This might help you in pushing close to ‘Why I am the right candidate’.
Be Confident
Confidence matter the most. Many aspirants, especially in the personal interview round, have to face a rejection from the job. It happens not because of the qualifications but due to the lack of confidence. A candidate, to set himself apart from others in the queue, can nail the interview perfectly just by following the enlisted:-
Greet the interviewer with a smile by making an eye contact. Do not miss to state your full name
Listen to the interviewer’s name and use it at least two times throughout the interview
Try mirroring. It means imitating the body language of the interviewer and that will serve as an apprentice in establishing a connection between you and the interviewers
Never give dead looks. Keep nodding your head in every 20-30 seconds to let the interviewer know that you’re listening to them
Nailing The Interview
Become a stalker and take out the required information about the company, what work is carried out there, why you felt that it can be the apt workplace for you, why you are suitable for filling occupying the vacancy etc. This reflects the professional side of the candidate. Thus, do a proper homework before facing the panelists.
Whilst you’re being interviewed, make sure all the information on your resume is relevant and authentic. Tell the interviewer about the past work experience, any major projects accomplished, reasons for quitting the previous job etc. However, never provide with any misleading information. It may lead to the ‘hiring then firing’ procedure in case a candidate gets hired.
Don’t miss the numbers! Find out the right percentage because they can help in telling the hiring manager why you should be hired.
Thank Differently
Gone are the days when just a simple thank you with a smile was used for ending the interview process. Even the thank you note/email is also getting old-fashioned but, it is still a decent gesture. In the era of technology, one can thank the interviewer through a short video clip. It doesn’t require any special effort. Shooting a small video clip and thanking the concerned authorities is a humble gesture.
Each candidate wants to land in his/her ideal job. Only one is chosen among the ten b