Talking about an organizational structure, the word employee might merely mean a worker; but in real terms this individual truly counts. Any company or organization is incomplete without a team of workers. Thus, acknowledgment and recognition of each one of them is something that needs to be taken into account. For a managerial structure to prosper, it becomes very necessary for employers to understand the psychology of their staff.
As appreciation is a fundamental need the employees must be valued for very single piece of work they deliver or contribute to organization. Performance reviews are part and parcel of an organization. It is a method which pertains to the evaluation and documentation of the job performance of an employee. Apart from the role it plays in career development, there are several other reasons which make regular reviews important. Importance of Performance Reviews
1. Maintains effectiveness and productivity in the workforce
2. Selects, retains and recruits top performers
3. Eliminates barriers that impede productivity
4. Develops exceptional leaders
5. Engages employees to enhance their contribution
6. It might sound important to be aware of the reasons behind such kind of evaluation, but there is another aspect which carries equal relevance. It always easy to bring out leaders, but it is even more difficult to know as to why others couldn't succeed.
Unfortunately most companies endow the managers with set guidelines to judge the employees by the amount of work they deliver ignoring the ones who couldn't. If performance reviews are conducted to judge the value an employee carries for the organization, it's equally important to know the limitations the other are facing. The bigger picture To work out homogenous growth in a team the top heads should take a look at the bigger picture. Apart from watching the employee work one must know the cause of his current performance.
Let it be two way Apart from the evaluation you must engage with a worker at deeper level which will lead to mutual understanding
1. Be aware of strengths and weaknesses of a worker
2. Know his achievements and accomplishments apart from work
3. Be familiar with the conditions and circumstances which surround him
You must closely know your employee rather than being totally judgmental about him. Only a genuine engagement will bring out better solutions and best results thus a deeper probing is required. An employee's performance review should not make him feel penalized for his work but should make him feel understood. You must listen before you are heard.