As a fresher you’re going to make numerous mistakes, for the working world is nothing like you’ve imagined it to be. It is so different from the grad school/college/ university and learning the rules will cost you time. True, you are going to make mistakes, a lot of them. But there are some you can avoid after read given write-up. Here we present you a list of the commonly repeated mistakes by fresh graduates searching for jobs.
Expecting Too Much, Too Soon
We all have our aspirations really high from our first job. We believe that we are very skilled, have scored good marks; have graduated from a reputed college, so we deserve the best. But the fact is: industry treats all Freshers Jobs more or less just the same. They judge you on several parameters, your marks and college are a part of which. Rather than expecting too much at the beginning, look for a job that has a scope of growth.
Having a Laid Back Attitude
This is not the time to sit back and relax. The need of the hour is to be proactive and upbeat. Send applications and attend interviews, this will tell you where you stand and the areas you need to work on. Finding a job follows the principle of hit and trial. You have to try multiple times and check if you fit in.
Limiting Yourself To Online Posts Only
Firstly, this is the time when you need to play your jack. Use your networks to help you find a good job. Secondly don’t just rely on the website placements, go out and give walk in interview, contact companies and investigate regarding vacancies. Don’t just sit idle, work for it.
Living In A Hoax That Your Qualifications Are Self- Explanatory
In the working world you need to prove your worth through your work. Your resume sheets are filled with attractive words but that doesn’t set you apart from other candidates. Remember, your laurels must be reflected in your work too.
Keeping A Narrow Choice Preference
If you are in a hurry to find a job, you must expand your horizons a bit because limiting yourself to a small area would not solve the purpose. And with a wider approach, you may accidentally explore a very good option for yourself.
Poor Preparation
Don’t just give an interview for the sake of it. Prepare yourself for the type of interview you are going to attend. Since every company has their pattern of interview. Thus , stay updated and gear up.
Not Keep a resume ready to send
Always have resume ready to share with your networks while searching a job. It must be updated on a regular basis. So that it contains your latest achievements. The basic aim is to have a standardized resume ready to save time each time you apply for a job. However, there is always scope for a few minor changes.
Making Careless Mistakes
A grammatical error or mistake in typos is something that is just not allowed. Be very careful with the content, if required take help from someone. Your resume, apart from mentioning your achievements, also reflects your grammar and over all writing ability. Be presentable because this is the written reflection of you.
Not using college placement cell
The college placement cell is specially appointed to help students find a job. So, exploit it and grab the opportunity you get. Not registering with the placement will be your worst mistake. It is a service provided to you by the college/ grad school, make use of it.
10 .Dressing up unprofessionally
When you go for an interview, do not just walk in casual clothes. No matter what job profile you are interviewing for, the fixed uniform for interviews is formals. And this must be followed blindly, since your dress code is one main aspects of interviewing.
There will be several mistakes apart from the ones mentioned above that you might make. But the only advice here is to stay alert and updated. So that you can make most of the every opportunity provided to you.