The dawn of internet has led to an entirely new age. The 21st century is fast and much more competitive. The conventional means of information, entertainment and communication have been replaced by the dotcom services. Obviously, the Human resource industry cannot remain untouched by the pace of internet.
The internet has made Job Search a matter of a few clicks. The advent of internet led to the birth of Job Portals that help job-seekers Find Desired Jobs Using the Internet. The candidates have to upload their resumes on the job portals and they are contacted by employers or recruitment agencies. Candidates can also apply by filtering the job search.
Advantages Of Using The Internet To Find Jobs:
Economical: Internet is economical and easily available.
Less Lead Time: The Lead Time involved is very less as internet facilitates immediate feedback.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Insertion of Keywords in your Resume optimizes your profile and facilitates its online visibility.
Time-saving: Finding Jobs Online is very easy and quick. It saves a lot of time.
Specific Search: Most Job Portals let you filter job profiles under specific criteria.
User friendly Interface: The portals have a user friendly interface and are thus easily accessible.
Wide Network: The network on the internet is wide. It has no geographical limitations and you can apply for jobs in any part of the world from any part of the world!
Thus, the internet is an excellent tool for finding jobs. Finding Jobs Online requires a few strategies, like:
1. Upload your resume on several reputed Online Job Portals.
2. Get your CV prepared by professionals. They not only add to the overall appeal of your CV but also insert keywords which facilitate SEO.
3. Keep your profile updated.
4. Don't simply wait for a call from the recruiter's end. Utilize the information available on the portals and apply for the suitable jobs.
5. Keeping in mind the above mentioned strategies, use the internet to find jobs. No denying, Internet is the fastest, cheapest and most user-friendly platform to find jobs in this communication era.