Much has been said and written about the role that Internet plays today. From making small searches to online shopping, we have made this network of networks an important part of our lives. Be it connecting with friends, making money with online sales, or simply pitching your voice in favor of or against something you dislike, every activity now finds a dedicated platform in the virtual world. We may say that the voices that used to drown, in our yesteryears, now have a medium to travel faster, longer, and with an impact to produce greater repercussions.
Let's study the model of an E-commerce platform and get a better understanding of the constructive role that Internet plays today.To be precise, we can consider PlacementIndia, a popular online job portal, owned and managed by Weblinkindia.Net. This is a comprehensive platform where employers and job seekers come together and find what they seek. On this portal, when visitors create their account, they are also presented with premium packages to avail personalized services like resume writing, web development services, etc. If the visitor requests and pays for a service, he/she is served. Now the role of internet just doesn't end here.
Let's consider a hypothetical situation in which the customer of PlacementIndia isn't content with the services of the portal. What are his options? Primarily, he can complain to the company. In case, the company is apathetic to the grievances of the client, it's not the end of the road. Today, customer is empowered and he can pitch his voice over the internet. For example, in the situation we are assuming, this customer can post PlacementIndia Complaints and PlacementIndia Reviews on several online forums. Obviously, a company will never want its image to get tarnished in public domain and may respond quickly and sincerely in such cases. Extending our hypothetical situation a step ahead, there is good probability that online complains and reviews may prompt the company to introspect and take the measures that can really serve the customer better. In this way, we can easily conclude that Internet serves as the pathway not only to make complaints but also to get them addressed and resolved.