Drafting technical resumes can be challenging for both fresh graduates aspiring to enter the booming IT industry and well-experienced IT experts with rich work history and a long list of projects. What are the important factors to be taken into consideration while preparing a technical resume? What is the importance of an IT job application, and how should it be created?
Here Is A List Of The Must -Haves In An IT Resume:
Focus On Past Results
Recruitment experts suggest that a candidate applying to IT jobs should mention certifications and achievements in terms of results to make it more impactful.
Cover Letter
The most common predicament among candidates is whether to include a cover letter in their job application or not. Well, a cover letter basically speaks on your behalf and increases your chances of securing an interview.
List IT skills under a separate category naming 'Technical Expertise'. Highlight your main area indicating your aptness for the job you are seeking. Also provide the interviewer with information about your future potential under the same heading. Technical skills would include skills related to hardware, software, operating systems, networks, programming tools etc. Details of successfully completed projects, of which the candidates were a part, must be included.
Candidates must mention awards won or letters of appreciation received, along with the overall impact of one's contribution towards the company's growth.
Work History
In an industry where technical expertise rules, it is highly essential that an IT resume details qualitative work output, along with enhanced learning in previously held roles.
Writing an effective resume takes planning as well as completing a thorough self-assessment for resume posting before applying any job. A carefully thought out resume will increase your chances of getting that all important interview. So organize your information in a logical manner and keep descriptions clear and to the point, including all your work experience to get the job opportunity.