When people do their work under extreme stress, their work will suffer. They will untie, and their turnover rate could go sloping down. As a manager or an executive, it is your job to maintain a good character, have enough poise to create a space where you can feel confident in performing your work as adeptly as required.
But, people like you are losing their confidence in working with enthusiasm during this Covid-19 outbreak. The lockdown is severely snatching your morale, making you less productive for your company. The reason could be anything like unsupervised coffee breaks, constant access to snacks or no continuous watch over your performance. These are slowing becoming a psychological drug to all those who are doing work from home during this lockdown.
It’s tough for everyone to maintain a poise that used to be at the office. Don’t worry, you are not alone. If you too feel the same and want to have a jerk in your routine work life from home, here are some valuable tips to follow.
These will definitely help you reboot your life and have a jerking start to your morale.
- Feel and think like the CEO of your company : Adopt an approach, ‘I can, I will’. This will help you sail even through the toughest times. You need to think whatever you do is the best you should make your company fly high. When you feel for your company, then you can give yourself that push to work even harder.
- Don’t be prey to procrastination : Procrastination is a trap in which a person doing work from home will surely fall. It is nothing but a habit of delaying essential tasks for not so good reasons. This becomes habitual while doing work from home, but not a good sign for your morale during such a challenging time. Its better you divide your work into categories of urgency. Focus more on doing instead of avoiding. Don’t let your work pile up. And if you promise yourself a reward for every successful completion, you can do better.
- Enhance your self -Efficiency : Self-efficiency plays a vital role in making you more productive and handle difficulties like the current pandemic of coronavirus. This helps you challenge yourself and be active at the arrival of every new project. Here is something you could do.
• Set stretch goals and challenge yourself
• Ask for more opportunities to lead in projects
• Get access to specific tools and resources to train yourself
• Feel the thrill of victory after completion of every project
- Communicate more, avoid ambiguity : If you communicate more, you can clear more doubts. Don’t let any vagueness stand in the path of completion of any project. Instead, put your extra alertness out. Let your colleagues know about your learning and discoveries. Participate in mindful webinars. The more you communicate, the less is the chance of any delay. Hence, you will enhance your self-esteem.
- Build up a strong relationship with colleagues and leads : If you have a strong relationship with your peer group and management, then you are undoubtedly a buoyant employee.
- Forster this relationship standards even if you are working from home. Don’t be a grim, working machine, care about the team and other employees. Implement better teamwork, mutual respect, courtesy, and a sense of care for work. This will automatically enhance your productivity and boost your self-confidence while doing work from home.
- Avoid unnecessary sources of distraction : When you are doing Work from home, it is evident that you will have to encounter specific additional sources of distractions. Try to avoid them. Make a working ambience for yourself and get yourself detached at least for the first half of the working hours. Avoid getting stressed, try not to spend your precious energy and resources on ineffective courses that happen to be a part of your routine life. Raise a flag when needed and communicate if you are facing extreme roadblocks.
- Try reading some motivational books or some online blogs : Boost your morale by choosing something perfect for your poise this weekend. Have a calm break, take some happiness classes, feel refresh and think about your previous office life that happened to be like a war front. Realise how cool you were at your working hours and how well you put efforts to manage everything work hassle-freely. If that was your time, then why not now. This is the time to show as much competence as you can while working from home.
This good thought-provoking class every weekend can fill you with the lost self-confidence, and you will find yourself as the master of work again amid this lockdown.
Well, these are our simple yet useful tips to boost your self-confidence amid COVID-19. Do you have any unique feature to mention, do share with us?
Do follow the tips and start working for yourself now.