Make your first impression not just the last but, a lasting one, by dressing appropriately for a job interview. Dress code may be different for both men and women, but needless to say that what remains same for both is dressing up sensibly. Dressing for an interview is quite different from dressing up for a party or just a hangout. It largely depends on the kind of company where you are going for an interview as per the dress code set by the employer. Obviously, if you would be dressed up sensibly, then only an employer can observe you as a professional. So, let's examine the dress code for both men and women
Perfect Attire for Men:
- Suit
- Long-sleeve shirt (preferably white)
- Belt
- Tie
- Dark socks
- Conservative leather shoes
- Neat, professional hairstyle
- Neatly trimmed nails
Perfect Attire for Women:
- Suit
- Skirts with a coordinated blouse
- Conservative shoes
- Limited jewelry (best to avoid jewelry rather than cheap jewelry)
- Hair properly tied up & tidily combed
- Light make-up
- Perfume
- Neatly manicured clean nails
Three most important aspects that must be kept in mind, while dressing for an interview:
- Comfort
- Practicality
- Affordability
- Get your clothes ready the night before the interview ?
- Polish your shoes ?
- Wear neutral make-up ?
- Don't come off as a beauty queen ?
- Avoid showing off tattoos and piercings ?
- Chew a cool mint or gum before the interview?
Carry your portfolio or briefcase
Even if the work environment is casual, you have to dress up professionally for an interview and leave a mark on the prospective employer. So, put the best show in front of your interviewer and let your sensible dressing do the wonders for you. We hope that the tips mentioned in the write-up are useful for you and can help you to crack any interview of your life.