Telemarketing is today among the most abused and misunderstood marketing tools out there. A telemarketer is today seen more as a nuisance than a person who is out there to convey information about a brand or specific products. If you were thinking of launching a telemarketing campaign for the publicity of your product, but are having second thoughts after reading this, don't be disheartened. Here the motive is not to discourage you but to tell you about how to change the general perception about telemarketing & how to make sure that your telemarketing campaign does not add to woes of the people out there. Telemarketing is among the most cost-effective marketing techniques, which offers a lot of benefits like reaching out to a large audience over a wide geographical area. Also Telemarketing is among the personal forms of advertising where you get in touch with the target customers & make them discover the value in your products.
Do's And Don'ts Of Telemarketing
Keep The Calls Short And Crisp - This is the golden mantra that will decide your success as a Telemarketers to a large extent. Time is of utmost importance in business. Be precise. Key points that should be included are Introduction, product details, key features (USP), how to order the product, closing the call and finally handling any queries the customers may have.
Follow The Script - The Tele-calling script is written by experts who have followed thousands of sales call over the years & are aware of what sells and what does not. By following the script, a telemarketer can avoid wasting precious time that is wasted by drifting off the topic.
Good Speakers - Since Telemarketers depend on their oratory skills chiefly to convince the customer to buy their product, it is best to ensure that the telemarketers are good speakers with a clear voice and good diction.
Know Your Product - It is hard to convince anyone to buy your product if you yourself are not aware of what your product is all about. It is very necessary for a Telemarketer to know the inside-out of the products.
Patience - Telemarketing is one job where you will require lots of patience, the best of your efforts & sheer hard work. The more calls you make, more the probability of getting double the leads. Also telemarketing is an adventure where one day you could get in touch with good people who will make your day & on other days you will come across negative ones who are rude and abusive. Be ready for all kinds.
Follow Ups - These are as important as the introduction part. Be sure to do a proper follow up as it is the first step towards having a long term relationship with clients.
An effective telemarketing campaign that takes these Do's and Don'ts into consideration can go a long way in creating awareness and making positive impressions in the minds of the buyers about your product.