So, you want to start a freelance career on your own? Welcome to the circle! It is a fun-filled society of free-thinkers, non-settlers, and risk-takers!
Take my opinion, I can see two types or groups of people who go through reading articles on being a freelancer – group of young people who are either under-employed, newly graduated or have just started their career; and the other group includes those people want to want to change their life! But in both cases, going alone can be a daunting task. So, if have made up your mind, get ready to get your shit together.
Before going any further, let’s do a little chit-chat. My advice for you is don’t you dare to start with nothing. Don’t declare yourself a complete freelancer. I agree that you need to start anywhere, but remember the reality of life – you need to be well-prepared before your first stage-show! And, everything is not for everyone, and so is a freelance career. It does not fit into everyone’s bag. So, think a lot before handing over your resignation letter to your boss.
Here are 5 major things you need to take into account before your opening night.
Are you ready?
If you are used to working under a big banner name then choosing a freelance career can be a big step for you. And, the most important of everything, you should ask yourself, are you ready? If you are deciding to make the journey on your own, you should be the pro in your subject area. How to find that? The best way is to check your dependence on your colleagues in delivering the office job. If you are still struggling consider revising your decision.
Do you have a plan?
Are you ready with your resignation letter? It sounds interesting handing over the letter to your boss and getting launched with a freelance career, but are you sure that you have a plan in place? If you don’t have a client-base, you have no money. And, another important consideration is the amount of money you need for your admin. You should have a good bank balance and you can steal your old big clients for your new freelance project!
Do you have money?
Firstly, setting up the whole business needs some investment. Secondly, your business needs some time to get familiar with your clients and till then you need to run your business with your own money. So, it is important to have some saved money before crossing your first hurdle. Be realistic and improve your financial condition first!
Are you prepared for those busy periods?
This point is just an elaboration to the above discussion. You should be prepared for those enormously busy business periods and also for those silent times. Unfortunately, it is the way that business happens. But if you have some saved money for those silent phases in business, you are safe. So, be ready from every aspect, as remember as well as you are prepared, there is nothing to worry about.
Do you have a Plan B?
Sometimes most of the things do not go according to the plan, and so your plan may fail. This is why there should be a plan B to back you up. You need to be mentally prepared for every good or bad scenario. Remember you cannot afford to get broken down being a freelancer. You can’t make yourself lost in the sea.
I hope I made myself clear to you. There you go! Consider these 5 key things in mind before you go for starting a freelance career. All the best!