A dazzling bike speedily goes past you. As you crave to possess it, you also wonder how it runs smoothly on this fast speed. Well, it is a miracle of mechanical engineering. While relaxing at home, surrounded by mechanical gadgets and technology, you might hardly notice how mechanical engineering has made your life comfortable and luxurious. You simply have to reach your refrigerator in order to get a glass of cold water or turn on your air conditioner when you feel hot. You can reach a distant place in a short time by a car or air. All credit goes to mechanical engineering.
On asking a child in India, “what do you want to become?” Hearing “a doctor” or “an engineer” has been very common, and it sounds rational. A doctor earns both, money and respect. Although a mechanical engineer also earns money and respect well, he also makes his contribution to the field of medical science. Doctors with modern medical-equipment created by mechanical engineers come up with highly effective ways to diagnose and treat people. How interesting! When we are talking about mechanical engineering, we shouldn’t forget to talk about Bangalore as this city provides enormous opportunities to mechanical engineers. Keep reading and find out more!
Mechanical Engineer As A Career
Mechanical engineering is counted amongst most reputable and highest paying careers. It makes an enormous contribution to society and billions of people all across the world. This field is very broad and always remains vibrant as the engineers keep manufacturing new products with the help of their creative ideas. Critical thinking and creativity can easily be observed in this career.
Mechanical engineers design and bring components or various machines – from tiny to massive – into life. Several machines are continuously taking place in different companies, which makes manufacturing of products easier and faster, in most cases cheaper too. Mechanical engineers can choose from a variety of fields to work in, such as electronics, aerospace, power, construction, robotics, medical, construction and many more.
To become a mechanical engineer: Subjects like mathematics, physics, and chemistry hold a vital part in mechanical engineering and must be included in academics after high school. Graduation in a specific part of mechanical engineering will prove useful to enter this field.
Scope For Mechanical Engineers In Bangalore
Bangalore is blooming with a plethora of opportunities for mechanical engineers. It comprises large machine-tools companies. Some of the well-reputed companies in Bangalore for mechanical engineering aspirants are:
Bharat Electronics Limited: This is an aerospace and defense company which involves around nine industries, and also some other offices in India. It belongs to Indian Government and produces high-grade electronic components.
Hindustan Motors: This company had been known to be as the biggest car manufacturer in India before Maruti Udyog achieved a rise. It had been in the production of the Ambassador motorcar from 1957 to 2014. The credit of the foundation of Hindustan Motors in 1942 goes to Mr. B. M Birla, in association with Lord Nuffield of Morris Motors.
Ashok Leyland: This company was established in 1948, and it is known to be the second biggest company in commercial vehicles in India. It produces engines and spare parts too. It is said to have sold around 7,000 engines and 60,000 vehicles annually. Ashok Leyland is counted as 4th biggest company of buses-manufacturing in the world.
Salaries In Bangalore
Mechanical engineers in Bangalore are offered alluring salaries. According to Payscale data, the annual average salary of a mechanical engineer in Bangalore is 401,658 INR. Interesting! Isn’t it?
In Bangalore, excellent career opportunities with their hands open-wide are looking for mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineers, where are you? Bangalore is known to be a hub of largest companies, working in such a company can be a dream for many mechanical engineers.