6 Trends Which are Adopted by Recruitment Industry

Recruitment Agencies in Delhi/NCR

Recruitment Industry in India is generating higher revenues with each passing year. The market size of retirement and staffing sector is huge and so is the potential of growth. The However, this industry is also full of competition and challenges. Whether you see a Recruitment Agencies in Delhi/NCR or any other city, everyone is striving to sail through the tough competition. Recruiters have to constantly keep a watch on recruitment trends so that they can stay ahead in competition, so let’s have a quick view on trending practices of recruitment industry:

  • Technology

Internet Technology has already brought radical changes in staffing industry. Currently automation is taking the front seat and recruiters are taking it on high priority. Some recruiters find it as a challenge however everyone agrees that automation is the need of hour. A major share of recruiters has significantly increased their tech-spending to equip themselves to compete.

  • Artificial Intelligence

AI aka Artificial intelligence is all set to automate the processes in the staffing industry. The staffing industry is now optimally utilizing AI to improve their hiring processes and performance. From creating chatbot to automating communication, screening candidates, artificial intelligence is empowering everything.

  • Mobile recruitment

Mobile device have already become the strongest medium to reach masses. Nowadays maximum web searches are made through mobiles hence it is not viable for recruiters to ignore this connect. Using mobile devices for communication to, mobile-friendly recruitment websites and mobile friendly recruitment software, everything is encouraging the trend of mobile recruitment.

  • Balancing candidate-satisfaction and client-satisfaction

The competition is stiff and candidates as well as recruiters both have ample options to compare and chose for recruitment solution, so the survival and success of recruitment agencies revolve around their skill to content candidates as well as clients. Recruiters have realized that satisfying candidates and clients is equally important as measuring it. Now recruiters are devising processes to measure candidate-satisfaction as well as client satisfaction.

  • Social recruitment

Digital marketing has created newer avenues for recruitment industry. From all social media platforms to job boards, recruiters are keeping watch everywhere. These mediums are a great way to source candidates for a diversified job. Recruiters are using these mediums to post jobs and search talented candidates.

  • Recruitment Analytics

Unlike earlier times, now recruiters are not depending on manual systems rather they prefer digital analytics for recruitment support. They use CRM which simplifies their tasks and save a lot of time and efforts. This is overall empowering the recruitment industry and helping recruiters to perform better.

So these are the trends which are changing dynamics of recruitment industry. Keep coming back to this page for more insights.



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