Many of us scroll past various blogs and articles related to job search and professional lives that commence stating ‘job search is fun’. Talking on an honest note, finding a job isn’t duck soup unless you’re a professional having a little experience. For a fresher candidate, giving a kickstart to the professional life is always a stressful job because is totally different from an internship. After transcending from college life to professional life, one can make the job search less stressful by preparing yourself. To commence with graduate jobs on the right note, all fresher candidates should consider the following things.
- Build A Strong Resume
No, we aren’t joking. It is essential for fresher candidates to have a strong resume for applying to graduate jobs in India. But, a fresher candidate hardly has experience apart from an internship. This is a common question that arises in the mind. It is answered here itself. Despite being a graduate with hands-on experience as an intern, one should emphasize on his/her accomplishments during the academic years. In this digital era, content is the key. Avoid drafting resumes with bright colors and fancy fonts because recruiters do not spend more than 10 seconds. Simply provide the indispensable information.
- Navigate Through Company’s Website
Many graduates aspire to work for a specific company. In order to gain the exact knowledge for the vacancies in a particular department of the company, always scroll past the website. It will not only provide with brief information about the company but will also help in knowing the number of vacancies available in different departments. Following their updates on social media is also a way to track
- Be Mindful of The ATS
ATS stands for applicant tracking system. In the current scenario, a majority of companies use ATS to weed out unwanted candidates. This software uses a filter that shows the result of resumes containing only those keywords that a recruiter has entered. So, graduates should understand the game of keywords and use all possible keywords related to their first job in order to avoid FOMO.
- Do not Sabotage The Interview
A fresher candidate is zealous about his/her first job interview. Being enthusiastic is fine but being over-enthusiastic can make you get on the nerves of the interviewer. Many fresher candidates tend to brag about themselves in their resumes but cannot fail to express the same in words. Cutting to short, never use phrases like ‘that’s a great question’ or ‘I don’t have a question for you’. In addition to this, never do trash-talk about your previous employer and employment because it can destroy the entire impression within moments.
- Turn to Recruitment Consultants
Many graduates often get depressed when they fail to grab a job opportunity despite trying their best. In such circumstances, turn to a recruitment consultant. Their job is to guide the candidate through the Do’s and Don’ts in order to be recruited by a candidate. There are recruitment consultants in plentitude on the internet. Since they have a vast network, you can seek their assistance to work with a reputed company.
Concluding it
Job search is never an easy job unless you prepare yourself for it. After graduating, emphasize your goals that meet in the ideal job you wish for. Always remember that the first job is always about deciphering and experimenting because it gives an insight about the field in which you’ll serve for the rest of your life. If you grab the right opportunity in the first go, make sure that you make the most of it.