LinkedIn profile is the 24x7 live platform and information source for all the employers who are looking for manpower. In fact, approx 87% of the recruiters turn to LinkedIn for effectively vetting a candidate for the hiring process, reads a Jobvite 2016 Recruiter Nation Report. LinkedIn plays a crucial role in the recruitment process, benefitting not just the employers but also the candidates. It helps the job seekers in connecting and networking with different employers, applying for jobs, researching companies in the industry and much more. However, there are few mistakes that job seekers unknowingly make on his/her LinkedIn profile that could easily upset employers and weaken your chance of being hired. From not completing the profile to putting up unprofessional pictures, here are the 5 LinkedIn mistakes that may be killing your job prospects.
Making Mistakes With The Picture
Many people make a number of mistakes with the picture on their LinkedIn profiles. While some put on profile pictures that are actually suited more for their Facebook display picture, there are many others who do not feel the need to put on a profile picture on LinkedIn at all. Putting on pictures with family, vacation pictures, pictures of a younger self - are some of the mistakes you could be doing with your profile picture that could be killing your job prospect. It is a great turn off for recruiters to see profiles that do not pay any attention to the profile pictures. A professional headshot that also shows a little bit of personality is the best for your LinkedIn profile.
Writing Bad Or Confusing Headline
Many people do not realize the importance of headline in LinkedIn profile and write an unprofessional, keyword-less headline. Your headline is the first piece of information that your potential employer would see on your profile. Writing a bad and confusing headline could be one of the reasons why the recruiter is not showing any interest in your profile. Writing headlines that do not match up with your qualification, experience or job profile might make you appear sloppy and unprofessional. A vague headline without any keywords that gives no clue of what you are doing could turn the recruiters away. Create a professional headline with the right keywords to increase your chances of getting the interview call.
Putting Quantity Over Quality
Connecting with the right people is the true essence of LinkedIn. However, many people get tempted to connect with anyone and everyone on this site. On LinkedIn, it is not the quantity but the quality of connections you make that actually matters. Many people put quantity over quality on this social networking site and start connecting with people from any profession. However, connecting with as many people from your industry, profession, and sector is what makes your LinkedIn profile credible. You should connect with people who make you look good when the employers go through your profile.
Leaving The Profile Incomplete
Your LinkedIn profile is the reflection of your career journey, experience and much more. By going through your LinkedIn profile, the recruiter wishes to get a sneak peek into your professional life. Having an incomplete profile gives a hint that you are not too serious about your profession. They want to determine whether you are the best match for that profile but your incomplete profile would just lead them astray. Adding all the information about the work experience, education, achievements, skills, recommendations, certifications, and other things is a must on the LinkedIn profile to give a clear picture to the employer. Whether you have an HR job in Bangalore or a marketing job in Pune, all the information regarding the job profile, location, and other things must be carefully added to your LinkedIn profile.
Leaving Out The Summary
Many LinkedIn profiles have summary missing from them. The summary is the perfect way to sell yourself on your profile. Skipping the summary could be a big setback to your profile as the employer would no longer have the necessary summary of your educational qualifications, success stories, skills, and experience. Give an edge to your profile with a crisp and clear summary of your profile so that your profile stays in the employer’s mind for a long time. Don’t forget to all the keywords related to your industry in your summary to increase your visibility among the employers.
Maintaining and regularly updating your LinkedIn profile can work wonders in your search for the perfect job. However, a few mistakes, like the ones discussed above, on your profile can be killing your job prospects. Make sure that you have not made these mistakes and if you have, correct them now to kick-start your job search.